Monday, June 18, 2012

kek upin ipin & kek hari bapa

Dalam kesibukan tugas di sekolah sempat juga menyiapkan  2 bj kek tempahan kak Ton yg diambil pd hari berlainan.

Kek sempena hari Bapa. Bluberi coklat kek.

Kek Upin Ipin menggunakan buttercream transfer dengan kek yam mousse yg disalut dgn whipped cream. 
Saba gunakan kek span dipotong 3. setiap lapis diselang dengan yam mousse. resepinya seperti di bawah.

adapted from Richard Goh

Ingredients for Yam Mousse Filling
300g yam (weigh after peeling) + few pieces of pandan leaves
50g sugar
2 egg yolks
150g coconut milk
Few drops of violet food colouring (optional)
100g fresh cream, whipped till stiff (I whipped 250g and use the remaining for decoration)
200g dairy cream (cold) + 20g fine sugar
1 tsp gelatin powder + 2 tbsp water (melt and set aside)

1) Cut the yam into thin slices and steam till soft with a few pieces of pandan leaves.
2) Discard the pandan leaves and mash the yam while it is hot.  Stir in sugar, egg yolks and coconut milk. 
3) Cook the yam mixture in a non-stick pan over low heat till thick.  Set the yam paste aside to cool.  
4) Place a mixing bowl in the freezer for 5 minutes.  Get ready some ice cubes or ice water.  Pour the dairy cream and sugar in the cold mixing bowl (placed the bowl over a bigger bowl filled with ice cubes/water) and whisk the cream till soft peak.  Pour in the cool gelatin mixture and continue to whisk till stiff.  Do not over-whisk or the cream will curdle.  Keep the diary whipped cream in fridge.    
5) Mix 100g of fresh whipped cream and food colouring into the cooled yam paste.  Mix well.
6) Gently fold in the dairy whipped cream.  
7) Assemble the cake with the yam mousse filling

Saba  hanya gunakan 300gm whipped cream utk campuran dalam mousse. putar lg 100gm utk salut  kek dan hiasan. Oh ya, Saba tak gunakan gelatin sebaliknya gantikan dengan 10gm serbuk agar-agar. Actually saba tak tau mcmana nak kaedah yg betul masak agar-agar tu. sbb bila ikut step di atas, agar2 + air ia jadi kental tak cair mcm gelatin. apa lg try & error je lah. campurkan bancuhan agar2 tu dlm periuk berisi keladi dan kacau hingga pekat ( tak letak kuning telur ).sejukkan. campur dgn 300gm whipped cream yg dah dipukul kembang. Nampaknya jadi jugalah... resepi atas tu utk 1kg kek. Saba doublekan sukatan utk 2kg kek (actually jd 2.8kg  berat total + gambor upin ipin).
Terima kasih sudi baca.

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